*** All Zone resolutions will go forward to the SSGA AGM on June 9, 2015 before becoming official SSGA policy.
February 27, 2015
Maple Creek, SK
Resolution #1
WHEREAS there has been an increase in the elk and moose population in southwest Saskatchewan.
BE IT RESOLVED that the SSGA lobby the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment to increase the number of tags issued.
Resolution #2
WHEREAS it is currently proposed to investigate a mandatory per head levy for the purpose of establishing a producer funded BSE testing fund.
BE IT RESOLVED that the SSGA be opposed to establishing such a levy.
Resolution #3
WHEREAS the Greater Sage Grouse emergency protection order causes undue financial hardship for landowners and land managers in the day to day operation of their businesses.
BE IT RESOLVED that the SSGA lobby the Government of Canada to review or change the Species at Risk Act to be less onerous on landowners and land managers.
Resolution #4
WHEREAS COSEWIC has recently recommended that the Plains Bison be classified as a “threatened” species within Canada under the Species at Risk Act, and have argued pursuant to this status designation that very few “pure” bison which are not contaminated with cattle genes, exist in Canada; and
WHEREAS the designation of bison as “threatened” will have a significant adverse impact upon the profitability of bison farming and that industries ability to market bison meat and other products, both domestically and internationally.
BE IT RESOLVED that the SSGA lobby the Government of Canada opposing the designation of the Plains Bison as a “threatened” species under Canada’s Species at Risk Act.
Resolution #5
WHEREAS public funds are being forwarded to the Nature Conservancy of Canada from the federal and provincial governments.
BE IT RESOLVED that the SSGA lobby the federal and provincial governments to cease financial support to the Nature Conservancy of Canada and other ENGO’s for the purpose of purchasing agricultural lands.
Resolution #6
WHEREAS conservation easements held in perpetuity devalue property and do not recognize future considerations.
BE IT RESOLVED that the SSGA lobby the federal and provincial governments to revise The Conservation Easements Act to make conservation easements no longer than twenty five years.
March 12, 2015
Demaine, SK
Resolution #1
WHEREAS the Verified Beef Program (VBP) and other programs educate producers about best management practices for caring for livestock; and
WHEREAS producers have demonstrated a long history of responsible drug use for treating livestock; and
WHEREAS producers need to have veterinary drugs on hand for emergency situations.
BE IT RESOLVED that SSGA lobby the CVMA, SVMA, Health Canada (veterinary drug directorate) to protect producers right to store and administer over the counter and prescription veterinary drugs.
Resolution #2
WHEREAS Saskatchewan is not currently meeting our required BSE testing numbers.
BE IT RESOLVED that SSGA lobby the Government of Canada to allow provincially inspected abattoirs to be a source of BSE testing samples.
March 13, 2015
Glentworth, SK
Resolution #1
WHEREAS the Species at Risk Act (SARA) identifies lands necessary for the survival or recovery of species at risk as critical habitat; and
WHEREAS ranchers who provide such habitat need to be ensured they are protected from court actions or onerous rules which could adversely affect their operations; and
WHEREAS management agreements can be drafted which will result in the provision of such habitat.
BE IT RESOLVED that SSGA lobby any Government Minister’s necessary to have these management agreements recognized as providing effective protection under SARA.
March 20, 2015
Weyburn, SK
WHEREAS the recently transitioned PFRA community pastures are subject to different terms and conditions than regular crownland grazing leases.
BE IT RESOLVED that SSGA lobby the Government of Saskatchewan to have a reduced fee schedule for the transitioned pastures.
March 28, 2015
Alameda, SK
Resolution #1
WHEREAS Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) requires livestock producers to pay their WLPIP premiums at the time of policy purchase; and
WHEREAS SCIC doesn’t require grain producers to pay their crop insurance premium until the fall.
BE IT RESOLVED that the SSGA lobby the Government of Saskatchewan to have livestock producers be treated the same as grain producers.