With the goal of supporting as many livestock value chain members as possible to participate in this soon-to-close consultation process, SSGA has prepared and attached a letter that outlines the business-critical issues that will result in a competitive disadvantage for Canadian livestock operations if the current draft of the CSD Standards is finalized as-is.
SSGA invites all members of the public to download this letter, and revise it however they wish, before submitting it using the Financial Reporting and Assurance Standards Canada’s (FRASC) online portal by June 10th. Instructions for submitting your comments to the FRASC are offered below.
Click here to download the letter of concern template.
Instructions for submitting your letter using the FRASC portal
NOTE: You will need to submit the same letter twice (i.e., one copy to CSDS Part I and one copy to Part II)
Click on the link you receive by email from the FRASC, which will lead to a login page.
Create a password to activate and login to your account.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards.“
Click on “Documents for Comment.“
Click on “CSSB Exposure Draft – Proposed Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standard 1, General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-Related Financial Information.“
Scroll to “How to Reply.“
Click “Via our online form.“
Select your letter’s filename and upload it.
Select “Make Public” (if you wish to make your letter’s contents viewable to the public) OR select “Private” (if you wish to keep your letter’s contents out of view from the public).
Click “Submit,” which completes the submission of your letter to comment on CSDS Part I.
To submit your letter to comment on CSDS Part II, scroll up and click on “Documents for Comment.“
Click on “CSSBExposure Draft – Proposed Canadian Climate-Related Disclosure Standard 2.“
Scroll to “How to Reply.“
Click “Via our online form.“
Select your letter’s filename and upload it.
Select “Make Public” or ““
Click “Submit,” which completes the submission of your letter to comment on CSDS Part II.
Click on the three horizontal bars in the top left corner of the page to logout.
To prevent the site’s third-party software from collecting your name and email address,
which may be stored outside of Canada, please copy and paste the following message
into an email addressed to info@frascanada.ca:
Subject line:
“I withdraw my consent to share my personal information with FRASC’s third-party software”
Email message:
“I submitted a letter of concern using the FRASC web portal during the CSDS I and CSDS II public comment period. I do not consent to my personal information to be collected, processed or stored by FRASC or any third-party software that FRASC may be using to operate its web portal and public consultation process.”
Some other key government officials that would welcome a copy of your letter:
Pierre Poilievre
Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada; Leader of the Opposition
Andrew Scheer
House Leader of the Official Opposition
John Barlow
Shadow Agriculture Minister
Jasraj Singh Hallan
Shadow Finance Minister
Shannon Stubbs
Shadow Natural Resources Minister
Scott Moe
Premier of Saskatchewan
David Marit
SK Minister of Agriculture
Bronwyn Eyre
SK Minister of Justice and Attorney General
Donna Harpauer
SK Minister of Finance
Jim Reiter
SK Minister of Energy
Christine Tell
SK Minister of Environment
Roger Sobotkiewicz
Chair & CEO, Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority