The Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association is launching a Beef Drive to help out Saskatchewan’s food banks.
Members can help by contributing an animal, or by donating cash to defray the cost of processing.
“Saskatchewan’s ranchers are legendary for their willingness to help out a neighbour,” said SSGA President Shane Jahnke. “We hope this Beef Drive can help people put good nutritious food on the table.”
Hunger is a problem everywhere, but the recent downturn in the resource economy has increased the pressure on food banks in Saskatchewan. Fresh protein is difficult for food banks to collect through individual donations, so a bulk donation like this is a welcome gesture.
The meat will be processed into hamburger for distribution through food banks across Saskatchewan.
“We’ve set a goal of 1,000 pounds of hamburger,” Jahnke said. “Knowing our ranch families as I do, I’m positive we’ll reach that pretty quick.”
Beef is tasty, versatile, easy to prepare and highly nutritious. Besides its obvious protein value, beef is an excellent source of vitamin B12 and very good source of niacin, vitamin B6, selenium, zinc and phosphorus.
“The most nutritious food is the food people will eat,” Jahnke said. “Just about everybody likes beef, so I’m sure the food banks’ clients will be able to make good use of what we’re able to raise.”
Steve Compton, Executive Director of the Food Banks of Saskatchewan agrees. “Whether in a stir-fry or spaghetti sauce, beef completely increases the amount of good nutrition when paired with some of our other food staples like pasta and fresh vegetables,” he said.
So far, Western Prime Meat Processors in Weyburn and Treen Packers in Swift Current are accepting donated animals, and are offering a significant discount on processing. SSGA has sent out a call to other packing plants, and the list is expected to grow.
For more information on how you can contribute to the Beef Drive, contact the SSGA office at (306) 757-8523.
Meat Specifications
Any fresh/frozen meat food donations coming to the Food Bank must be processed through a registered abattoir, inspected (provincial or federal) and packaged to CFIA standards (labelled and dated)
Accepting 1 lb packages of regular or lean ground beef
Needs to be professionally processed & packaged
Temperature control must be maintained at temperatures of 4 degrees Celsius or colder and distributed in their original, unopened packaging.
Charitable Tax Receipts
Tax receipts will be issued by the Food Bank for any donations over $10.
Animal donations will be calculated based on the number of pounds of ground beef multiplied by the current fair market value.
Stats Canada fair market value for hamburger for October is $12.36/kg.